Italienische Übersetzungen und kreative Contenterstellung
Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch -> Italienisch

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Happy clients
"For translations from German and English to Italian we love to work with Sara. Her work is always excellent and we look forward to working with her again in the future!"
Marie-Pauline Kneller
Vendor Management, Sprachenfabrik GmbH
"Dear Sara, I just came across this assessment and I wanted to thank you personally […] as it was so good I thought you would be happy to get it straight away. We appreciate your hard work and look forward to working with you again."
Salomé López Lavado
Head of Vendor Management, CLS Communication Ltd
"I commenti del revisore sono molto lusinghieri: “Ottime proprietà di resa linguistica, stile fluente e scorrevole, incisivo come deve essere un testo di questo tipo, terminologia e competenza specialistica adeguate."
Laura Gori
Managing partner | Trans-Edit Group S.r.l.
"Good communication, highly responsive. A very reliable translator."
Quantic Lab
"Sara provides excellent translations. She's very accurate."
Annelore Summa
Servizio Di Consulenza Linguistica Traduzioni & Asseverazioni